A commercial concept to changing a structural problem.
The Chubby Project is a concept for a commercial approach to the direct reuse of industrial waste.
The project was originally developed using consumer waste during a residency at the Danish Art Workshop.
The designs were materialized by applying a zero-waste method. Over the past year, the design studio has collaborated with the Swedish furniture manufacturer Direktlaminat to develop a series of furniture using the factory’s production waste. One can say the design is dictated by the autonomy of the waste.
The collection is made from the industrial waste of melamine-covered particle boards. An iconic material dominated by its waste sterile exterior hiding the composite wood inside.
A strong interest has been finding new perspectives on this iconic material.
Chubby Project balances the minimalistic design with the exposed particle wood, which gives all edges an organic tactility
Bench - Pure
Stool - Classic
Stool - Glossy
Stool - Pure
Stool - Smaller
Better Weather Design Studio. Praghs Bouldevard 63. Copenhagen, Denmark. +45 2273 6021. hello@betterweather.dk. instagram.com/better_weather_design_studio